Ivorian Crisis Repercussions

المنتجات الساخنة

Crisis in Cote d'Ivoire: What Impact on Women? FPIF

2011-3-8  The Ivorian population, which underwent almost a decade of crisis, strongly desires that a peaceful outcome to this situation be found quickly for the benefit of everyone. Human and women’s rights organisations are particularly affected because funding opportunities for their work are becoming scarce.


Crisis in Cote d'Ivoire: What Impact on Women? Institute

2011-3-8  The political crisis in Côte d’Ivoire has had major diplomatic, financial, economic and social repercussions on the population, including on women and the organisations that defend their rights. Gbagbo’s refusal to step down has prompted several international organizations, including the United Nations, the European Union, the African



2016-3-9  because of the internal repercussions and spillovers of the Ivorian conflict into Burkinabè politics. The return to Burkina Faso of a considerable number of migrant workers put enormous economic and political pressure on the Burkinabè government, so much so that the resolution of the crisis was as much a Burkinabè as an Ivorian issue.


Political crisis in Côte d’Ivoire: The impact on women and

2011-2-4  The Ivorian population, which underwent almost a decade of crisis, strongly desires that a peaceful outcome to this situation be found quickly for the benefit of everyone. Human and women’s rights organizations are particularly affected because funding opportunities for their work are becoming scarce.


(PDF) Local governance and national crisis in Côte d

As described above, the roots of the Ivorian crisis lie in the di sruption of an imperfect yet for . The resulting inter-generational tensions have had repercussions that go beyond the .


Ivory Crisis: Lead and stop the propaganda, NPP tells Mills

2011-1-20  Ivory Crisis: Lead and stop the propaganda, NPP tells Mills. By myjoyonline. The opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) has asked the Mills government to live up to its responsibilities and lead, as Ghana has always done, the search for a solution to the Ivorian crisis.


Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire : transnational aspects of

Due to Côte d Ivoire s central position in West Africa the repercussions were not only limited to Côte d Ivoire, but had a significant impact on economy and politics throughout the region. Other states, or more correctly networks around and through the states, became involved in the Ivorian crisis, mainly Burkina Faso and Liberia.



2019-3-28  the impact of the Ivorian crisis on the regional economy. The report pointed out that because of the strategic importance of Cote d'lvoire, the political instability which began in 1999, and the armed conflict which has held the country in thrall since 19 September 2002, have had severe economic and financial repercussions on the rest of the West


Democratic Values? France’s Double Standards in the

2021-4-18  Democratic Values? France’s Double Standards in the Ivorian Political Crisis. Unconstitutionally extending presidential terms is a common practice in African politics. Between 1995 and 2015, twenty-three heads of states reached their term limits and left office, while thirteen extended them. Last year’s round of presidential elections in


repercussion Meaning and definition Dictionarist

The economic impact of the Ivorian crisis has had negative repercussions for the entire West African subregion. The repercussions of the forest fires which swept through Portugal this summer are far from over. (MT) It is worrying that the economic crisis is going to give rise to long-term repercussions. A broad show of force would have serious


Political crisis in Côte d’Ivoire: The impact on women and

2011-2-4  The Ivorian population, which underwent almost a decade of crisis, strongly desires that a peaceful outcome to this situation be found quickly for the benefit of everyone. Human and women’s rights organizations are particularly affected because funding opportunities for their work are becoming scarce.


Crisis in Côte d’Ivoire: What impact on women?

2011-3-3  Skip to main content. Submissions; English. French; Portuguese; DONATE; Home


Democratic Values? France’s Double Standards in the

2021-4-18  Democratic Values? France’s Double Standards in the Ivorian Political Crisis. Unconstitutionally extending presidential terms is a common practice in African politics. Between 1995 and 2015, twenty-three heads of states reached their term limits and left office, while thirteen extended them. Last year’s round of presidential elections in


(PDF) Local governance and national crisis in Côte d

As described above, the roots of the Ivorian crisis lie in the di sruption of an imperfect yet for . The resulting inter-generational tensions have had repercussions that go beyond the .


Report of the Interim Chairperson of the Commission of

2016-5-23  The Ivorian crisis has spawned many international reactions. On 10 October, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the situation prevailing in that country. It firmly condemned the coup attempt, reiterated its commitments to an all-inclusive peaceful solution, in the spirit of reconciliation that was established in October 2001 and


The land tenure question in Côte d’Ivoire: A lesson in

2020-10-12  political repercussions of the land tenure conflicts. Then we will look beyond the more obvious regional, ethnic and national divisions, which the parties involved tend to emphasise, and try to bring out the underlying issues and sources of the present crisis by viewing them in their historical context. We


Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire : transnational aspects of

Due to Côte d Ivoire s central position in West Africa the repercussions were not only limited to Côte d Ivoire, but had a significant impact on economy and politics throughout the region. Other states, or more correctly networks around and through the states, became involved in the Ivorian crisis, mainly Burkina Faso and Liberia.


Cote d'Ivoire: Once Bitten, Twice Shy allAfrica

2021-12-13  Efforts to resolve the long-running political crisis in Côte d'Ivoire appear to be "Any malfunction in Ivorian industry has direct repercussions for Nigerien economic activities," he


Laurent Gbagbo and the right to 'difference' Reset DOC

2013-1-30  The Ivorian crisis also brings to the forefront the urgent need to reform the UN Security Council, expanding the number of permanent seats to different continents and providing a place for Europe (by removing France and England)


Ivory Coast: a new increase in the price of gasoline which

2022-2-7  “I ask the Ivorian authorities to hold a council to bring down the prices which are constantly climbing on the market”, suggests Princess Tagro, a citizen. This is the second increase in Côte d’Ivoire in the price of fuel, especially gasoline since the advent of the health crisis linked to the coronavirus in March 2020.


Crisis in Côte d’Ivoire: What impact on women?

2011-3-3  Skip to main content. Submissions; English. French; Portuguese; DONATE; Home


Political crisis in Côte d’Ivoire: The impact on women and

2011-2-4  The Ivorian population, which underwent almost a decade of crisis, strongly desires that a peaceful outcome to this situation be found quickly for the benefit of everyone. Human and women’s rights organizations are particularly affected because funding opportunities for their work are becoming scarce.


The land tenure question in Côte d’Ivoire: A lesson in

2020-10-12  political repercussions of the land tenure conflicts. Then we will look beyond the more obvious regional, ethnic and national divisions, which the parties involved tend to emphasise, and try to bring out the underlying issues and sources of the present crisis by viewing them in their historical context. We


Cote d'Ivoire: Once Bitten, Twice Shy allAfrica

2021-12-13  Efforts to resolve the long-running political crisis in Côte d'Ivoire appear to be "Any malfunction in Ivorian industry has direct repercussions for Nigerien economic activities," he


Covid-19 and security What risks for Ivorian cocoa

The announcement of the arrival of coronavirus in their country is raising concerns among Ivorian cocoa planters. Although, in the short term, these planters continue to be able to feed their families thanks to their own production, they nevertheless fear a drop in their income from cocoa. This situation would then jeopardize their purchases between now and the end of


Laurent Gbagbo and the right to 'difference' Reset DOC

2013-1-30  The Ivorian crisis also brings to the forefront the urgent need to reform the UN Security Council, expanding the number of permanent seats to different continents and providing a place for Europe (by removing France and England)


Peacekeeping Officials: ECOWAS Invasion of Ivory Coast

2011-1-17  Officials at former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan's Peacekeeping Training Center say the threat of a West-Africa-led invasion of Ivory Coast is


Ivorian cocoa producers harlanschocolates

2021-11-9  Proof of child labor in cocoa plantations in West Africa became public knowledge in the late 1990s. This followed press reports documenting the existence of hazardous child labor on cocoa plantations. Pressure on the cocoa industry to end child labor has grown steadily since then, particularly from civil society and more recently from US and EU regulators.


Does ECOWAS have the will and muscle for military

2011-1-7  During the 2002-2004 crisis, more than 10,000 Liberians participated in the Ivorian conflict. “This scenario would result in many refugees fleeing northward,” warns Depagne.


Ivory Coast: a new increase in the price of gasoline which

2022-2-7  “I ask the Ivorian authorities to hold a council to bring down the prices which are constantly climbing on the market”, suggests Princess Tagro, a citizen. This is the second increase in Côte d’Ivoire in the price of fuel, especially gasoline since the advent of the health crisis linked to the coronavirus in March 2020.
